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AMS Displays
This document describes the AMS display screen. Topics include:
AMS Display -- Upper/Lower
Pilot Location and Clocks
Body Axis Displays
Landing Radar and Map
Docking Radar
PLSS and LRV Displays
LM Consumables
INS Display
Status Information
Sequencers and Messages
AMS Display -- Upper
(3)───┐ (1)───┐ (4)───┐
┌────────up|──────────┐ ╠══════════════════════════╣ ┌──────west|──────────┐
│ U │n║(7) land (8) dock ║ │ L │n
│ │o║ ┌───w|────┐ ┌───f|────┐ ║ │ │o
│ │r║ - ∙≈ +* - - - ║ │ │r
│ │t║ │∩U∙ │n │ │l║ │ │t
│ │h║-- ---- * --║ │ │h
-- l f --║s│ ∙ O°│ r│ │ ║-- U f--
s│ │ ║ │ #\/ o │ │ │ ║s│ │
o│ │ ║ └────|e───┘ └────|b───┘ ║o│ │
u│ │ ║ plss│ lrv│ --│ lm║u│ │
t│ │ ║ OXY:99│ BAT:99│ --│--: ║t│ │
h│ │ ║ BAT:99│ BOX: 8│ --│--: ║h│ │
└──────────|down──────┘ ║ PAK: 4│ ROK: 0│ --│RK: 0║ └──────────|east──────┘
(9)───┘(10)───┘ └───(11)
AMS Display -- Lower
┌─(5) ┌─(6) (13)───┐ (15)───┐ (2)───┐
att│ spin│ consum│ altitude east north│ status│ clocks
u/r: 1│PIT: 0│ ASC:99│POS: 99948: 89.34: -0.01│ F/B|SS|MB:31│UT: 8:34:56
f/r: 90│ROL: 0│RCS:99│VEL: -0.3:-1634.2: -0.3│ L/R|PL|EF:99│MI: 0: 0: 0
l/s: 90│YAW: 0│ DES:99│ACC: -1.5: -0.0: -0.0│ U/D|CB|IN: 0│BU: 0: 0: 0
──────────────┤ THR: 0│MOM:POSABS: 27.15: 89.99│ RAD| --|--: │EV: 0: 0: 0
ABO| KIL| PIL│ OXY:99│PER: 99.9┌───────────────┤ LOL|DK|--: │DK: 0: 0: 0
JET| LIF| ---│ BAT:99│APO: 101.4│----------: │ DSN| TD|--: │OR: 1:57:53
(16)───┘ (12)───┘ (17)───┘ (14)───┘
Pilot Location and Clocks
(1) Pilot location is identified by a flag "". ╦══════════════════════════╦
The Pilot may be in the LOL (LOL), in the LM (LM), ║(1)│LOL│ LM │ LRV│ EVA│ ║
in the LRV (LRV), or performing an EVA (EVA). ╠══════════════════════════╣
(2) Clocks are displayed in "hhh:mm:ss" format. Universal Time (2) clocks║
(UT), giving the time-of-day, is displayed first. The Mission │UT: 8:34:56║
Elapsed Timer (MI) starts at undocking from the LOL. The Burn │MI: 0: 0: 0║
Timer (BU) starts when one of the main engines is ignited. The │BU: 0: 0: 0║
EVA (EV) Timer starts at LM egress. The Docking Timer (DK) │EV: 0: 0: 0║
starts at liftoff from the Lunar surface. │DK: 0: 0: 0║
│ ║
Body Axis Displays
(3,4) Projections of ╔═════════════════════════╦ ╦═════════════════════════╗
body axes are shown as ║(3) LOOKING WEST ║ ║(4) LOOKING DOWN ║
viewed from the east ║ ┌────────up|──────────┐ ╠ ╣ ┌──────west|──────────┐ ║
(3) and from above (4). ║ │ U │n║ ║ │ L │n║
Axes are identified by ║ │ │o║ ║ │ │o║
letter: ║ │ │r║ ║ │ │r║
{F,f} => Face ║ │ │t║ ║ │ │t║
{L,l} => Left ║ │ │h║ ║ │ │h║
{U,u} => Up ║-- l f--║ ║-- U f--║
Upper case implies that ║s│ │ ║ ║s│ │ ║
the vector tip lies ║o│ │ ║ ║o│ │ ║
above the plane of the ║u│ │ ║ ║u│ │ ║
screen, while lower ║t│ │ ║ ║t│ │ ║
case implies that it ║h│ │ ║ ║h│ │ ║
lies below the plane. ║ └──────────|down──────┘ ║ ║ └──────────|east──────┘ ║
The set of axes ╠═════════════════════════╩ ╩═════════════════════════╣
displayed depends on the Pilot location. LOL body axes are shown while in the
LOL, LM axes while in the LM, PLSS axes while on the Lunar surface but not in
the LRV, and LRV axes while in the LRV.
Body Axis Displays (continued)
(5) Key angles between body axes and local Lunar surface vectors are ║(5) att│
displayed for greater precision. Body-Up to Lunar-Radial (u/r), ║u/r: 1│
Body-Face to Lunar-Radial (f/r), and Body-Left to Lunar-South (l/s) ║f/r: 90│
angles are displayed in degrees. Ambiguities in the angular display ║l/s: 90│
can be resolved by referring to the projection displays. ║────────
(6) Spin rates are given in degrees per second. Pitch (PIT), Roll (6)│ spin│
(ROL), and Yaw (YAW) rate indicate rotation about the Body-Left, │PIT: 0│
Body-Up, and Body-Face axes, respectively. A positive spin is defined │ROL: 0│
by counterclockwise rotation about the given axis. │YAW: 0│
Landing Radar and Map
(7) The Landing Radar display provides velocity and lurrain ╠═════════════
information. ║(7) land
║ ┌───w|───┐
Velocity indicators are active when the Landing Radar is ON and ║ - ∙≈ +* -
the LM altitude is below 200 m. One indicator of vertical ║ │∩U∙ │n
velocity is located on each side near the top of the display. ║-- --
A "+" indicates that the LM descent rate is greater than ║s│ ∙ O°│
1.5 m/s, a "-" indicates that it is less than 0.5 m/s, and the ║ #\/ o
absence of a mark indicates that descent is near the ideal ║ └────|e──┘
rate of 1 m/s. Horizontal velocity components greater than 0.1
m/s are indicated by arrows pointing in the appropriate directions.
The center part of the display provides a lurrain map. The scale factor
varies as a function of altitude from a Level 0 map above 30 km, a Level 1 map
between 1 km and 30 km, and a Level 2 map below 1 km. After landing, an "R"
indicates the LRV position and an "M" indicates the LM position. During EVA,
the center of display (4) is used as a larger Level 2 map of the Lunar
surface. A "P" is used to indicate the Pilot location.
Docking Radar
(8) The Docking Radar display is active when the LOL transponder ═════════════╣
is ON and the LM is within 200 m of the LOL. It provides (8) dock ║
information concerning the orientation, position, and velocity ┌───f|───┐ ║
of the LM relative to the LOL. - - ║
│ │l║
Alignment in roll is indicated by the "" characters at the top -- * --║
and bottom of the display. The indicators are centered when r│ │ ║
the LM is correctly aligned. Alignment in pitch and yaw are ║
indicated by an "x" character. The indicator is centered on the └────|b──┘ ║
screen when the LM is correctly aligned.
Position is indicated by a "+" character. The indicator is centered when the
LM is in the correct position for docking. The letters at the sides of the
display define four directions with respect to the LM during docking. Think
of the "+" character as representing the position of the docking port on the
LOL as viewed from a window in the top of the LM. When both orientation and
position are correct, a "*" appears at the center of the screen.
Velocity information is displayed in a format identical to the Landing Radar
display. The ideal approach velocity is between 0.2 and 0.4 m/s. Cross-track
velocity components greater than 0.02 m/s are indicated by arrows.
PLSS and LRV Displays
(9) PLSS information displayed includes the fraction of oxygen (9) ║ plss│
remaining (OXY), the fraction of battery power remaining (BAT), and ║ OXY:99│
the number of fresh oxygen/battery packs remaining in the LM (PAK). ║ BAT:99│
A flag in the upper left corner of the display indicates when the ║ PAK: 4│
Pilot is carrying a Lunar sample "" or an LRV sample box "". PLSS ╠════════
throttle, i.e, Pilot speed, is displayed in the same location as the LM
throttle. PLSS body axes are shown in displays (3) through (6) during EVA
when the Pilot is not in the LRV.
(10) LRV information displayed includes the fraction of battery │(10)lrv│
power remaining (BAT), the number of sample boxes remaining (BOX), │ BAT:99│
and the amount of Lunar rock in kilograms carried by the LRV (ROK). │ BOX: 8│
LRV throttle is displayed in the same location as the LM throttle. │ ROK: 0│
LRV body axes are shown in displays (3) through (6) during EVA while ═════════
the Pilot is in the LRV.
LM Consumables
(11) The total amount of Lunar rock stored on board the LM is (11)│ lm║
displayed to the nearest 10 kg. │--: ║
│--: ║
│RK: 0║
(12) LM consumables information displayed includes the fraction (12) ═════════
of propellant remaining in the Ascent Stage (ASC), in the Reaction │ consum│
Control System (RCS), and in the Descent Stage (DES). Also displayed │ ASC:99│
are the Descent Engine throttle (THR), the fraction of LM oxygen │RCS:99│
supply remaining (OXY), and the fraction of LM battery power │ DES:99│
remaining (BAT). A flag next to the RCS display indicates whether ┤ THR: 0│
the RCS throttle is set to high "", medium (no flag), or low "". │ OXY:99│
After the Descent Stage has been jettisoned, a "**" appears in both │ BAT:99│
the Descent Stage fuel supply and throttle displays. Flags next to ═════════
the Ascent and Descent Stage propellant fractions indicate when the Ascent or
Descent Engines are running.
INS Display
(13,14) INS information may be displayed in one ═══╩═════════DuckWare════════
of six ways. Position or orbit data may be │ altitude east north│
presented in absolute, target-relative, or │POS: 99948: 89.34: -0.01│
relative format. The display mode is indicated │VEL: -0.3:-1634.2: -0.3│
in the first column on the fourth row of the │ACC: -1.5: -0.0: -0.0│
display. Position data is displayed in the │MOM:POSABS: 27.15: 89.99│
first three rows and includes altitude, east, │PER: 99.9┌───────────────┤
and north components of location (POS), velocity │APO: 101.4│ (13)
(VEL), and acceleration (ACC). Orbital data is ═════════════
displayed in the lower three rows and includes east and north components of
the angular momentum angles (MOM), perilune (PER), and (14) │OR: 1:57:53║
apolune (APO). Orbit time (OR) is displayed in the Clocks ═════════════╝
POSABS: Absolute position references are the Lunar surface (altitude), the
sub-Earth meridian (east), and the Lunar Equator (north). The altitude is
given in meters if the display does not contain a decimal point, otherwise it
is given in kilometers. East and north positions are given in degrees.
Absolute velocity is given in meters per second. Absolute acceleration is
given in meters per second squared. While in orbit, a vertical velocity of
0.8 m/s and an acceleration of -1.5 m/s² indicate that the Pilot is moving
INS Display (continued)
parallel to the Lunar surface. Velocity and acceleration displays are not
active during EVA.
POSTAR: Target references are the Lunar surface (altitude) and the landing
site latitude and longitude. East and north positions are given in degrees if
the display contains a decimal point, otherwise they are given in meters.
Positive numbers indicate that the Pilot is above, east, or north of the
landing site. Absolute velocity and acceleration are given as before.
POSREL: The relative position reference is the LOL if the Pilot is in the LM
or the LM if the Pilot is in the LOL, LRV, or on the Lunar surface. Vertical,
east, and north components of the distance between reference and Pilot
locations are given. Positive numbers indicate that the Pilot is above, east,
or north of the reference. Relative velocity and absolute acceleration are
given if the Pilot is in the LM or LOL. A positive relative velocity
indicates that the Pilot's vertical, east, or north separation from the
reference is increasing. The displayed relative velocity makes sense only
when the LM and LOL are relatively close to one another. Use changes in
altitude and position as indicators of relative velocity when the LM is far
from the LOL.
INS Display (continued)
ORBABS: Absolute orbital references are the Lunar surface and north pole.
LOL values are displayed if the Pilot is in the LOL, otherwise LM values are
displayed. Angles defining the direction of angular momentum vector are given
in degrees east of the sub-Earth meridian and north of the Lunar Equator.
Perilune and apolune are given in kilometers. Orbit time is given in
"hhh:mm:ss" format.
ORBTAR: Target-relative orbital references are the Lunar surface and landing
site latitude and longitude. Angles defining the direction of the angular
momentum vector are given in degrees east of the landing site longitude and
north of the landing site latitude. Positive numbers indicate that the
angular momentum vector lies east or north of the landing site. Absolute
perilune, apolune, and orbit time are given as before.
ORBREL: The relative orbital reference is the LOL if the Pilot is in the LM
or the LM is the Pilot is in the LOL. Differences between reference and Pilot
angular momentum vectors, perilunes, apolunes, and orbit times are displayed.
Positive numbers indicate that the Pilot parameter is greater than that of the
Status Information
(15) Status information is provided on RCS translation ══╩═════════════
thrusters, transponders, Pilot environment, cabin pressure, │(15) status│
docking and touchdown sensors, and Pilot medical sensors. │ F/B|SS|MB:31│
│ L/R|PL|EF:99│
RCS translation thruster status is displayed in the top three │ U/D|CB|IN: 0│
rows of the first column. A "" indicates that a Forward (F) │ RAD| --|--: │
Left (L), or Up (U) thruster is ON. A "" indicates that a ┤ LOL|DK|--: │
Back (B), Right (R), or Down (D) thruster is ON. Otherwise │ DSN| TD|--: │
the thruster is OFF. ════════════════
Transponder status is displayed in the last three rows of the first column.
Flags indicate whether the Landing Radar (RAD), LOL transponder (LOL), or DSN
transponder (DSN) are ON and locked onto a signal "", ON but not locked onto
a signal "", or OFF (no flag).
The top three rows of the second column display spacesuit (SS), PLSS (PL), and
cabin (CB) status. A "" indicates that the Pilot's spacesuit or PLSS is ON
or that the cabin is pressurized. A "" indicates that the Pilot's spacesuit
or PLSS is OFF or that the cabin is evacuated. Otherwise an operation is in
progress as indicated in the sequencer message box.
Status Information (continued)
The last two rows of the second column display docking (DK) and touchdown (TD)
sensors. A "" indicates that the LM is docked with the LOL or that the LM
has touched down on the Lunar surface.
The first three rows of the third column display Pilot metabolic rate (MB),
efficiency (EF), and injury (IN) status.
Sequencers and Messages
(16) Activation of one or more of the main sequencers is (16) ║──────────────┤
indicated at the lower left of the display. A "" indicates ║ ABO| KIL| PIL│
that the Abort (ABO), Jettison (JET), Kill (KIL), Liftoff ║ JET| LIF| ---│
(LIF), or Autopilot (PIL) sequencer is active. ╚═══════════════
(17) Other activities, listed below, are indicated by (17) ┌───────────────┤
a brief message and time to completion. │---------: │
MOVE->LM, MOVE->LOL, MOVE->EVA, or MOVE->LRV: The Pilot is transferring to
the LM, the LOL, the Lunar surface, or the LRV, respectively.
SUIT->ON or SUIT->OFF: The Pilot is putting on or taking off the spacesuit,
PLSS->ON or PLSS->OFF: The Pilot is putting on or taking off the PLSS,
CAB->PRES or CAB->EVAC: The LM cabin is being pressurized or evacuated,
UNDOCK: The LM is undocking from the LOL.
Sequencers and Messages (continued)
ROCK->PLSS, ROCK->LRV, or ROCK->GND: The Pilot is transferring Lunar samples
from the Lunar surface to the PLSS, the PLSS to an LRV sample box, or from the
PLSS to the ground, respectively.
BOX->LM, BOX->PLSS, or BOX->LRV: The Pilot is transferring a LRV sample box
from the PLSS to the LM, from the LRV to the PLSS, or from the PLSS to the
LRV, respectively.
In addition, the following messages are also displayed:
Land Score, EVA Score, Dock Score, or Total: Scoring is broken into three
parts. The Landing Score (20% of Total) is based on skill (30%), time (10%),
propellant (10%), damage (20%), and landing site miss distance (15%) and
latitude (15%). The EVA Score (60% of Total) is based on the quantity and
quality of Lunar samples collected and transferred to the LM. The Docking
Score (20% of Total) is based on skill (30%), time (10%), propellant (10%),
damage (30%), and Lunar rock (20%). Scores range from less than 0 to about
Sequencers and Messages (continued)
LOL Damage, LM Damage, PLS Damage, SS Damage, or LRV Damage: Damage is
displayed as a percentage, with about 10% indicating moderate damage and
50% indicating severe damage.